Bringing good food to light


A Vegetarian Mini Meal - 2

Greetings to everyone reading this post.

This post is just to add up to the next two posts which will come up in a few hours. A mini meal, where we have two extremely simple varieties. The picture which you can see above is what I'm writing about. The meal comprises of a rasam which is locally named as kattu saaru. Others may have some other names for it, I believe. The other item is made of ladies finger.

I find these small and simple home made items more tastier and healthier than the heavy and bulky stuff we get at restaurants.

Two recipes are to be posted for today. So stay tuned till these posts appear on this blog. :)

Till then, happy cooking :)


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I just hope I could explain the recipe elaborately. If you would like to add something, correct me or say something then go ahead :)

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