Bringing good food to light


Chocolate Custard

Hello all lovely people!

Writing a post on "food for joy" had never been this difficult. I have jotted down the recipes that I've tried so far but never wanted to draft them as posts owing to my procrastination. Today I just fought with this disease of postponing things and finally ended up writing!

Today's recipe? It is the most chocolaty dessert I've tried. (I am extremely sorry for the poorest pictures I've taken.) I have adapted this recipe from anushruti's food blog. Chocolates is one thing I would be ready to eat at any given point of time. It really helps when you are just worried to the extreme for reasons. Of all the chocolates, it is the bittersweet chocolates that suite my taste buds and I love adding their melted form to ice creams.

Ingredients (For 3 bowls of custard)

50 grams of dark chocolate
1 cup of milk
2 tea spoons of corn flour
50 grams of fresh cream
3/4 cup of sugar


Melt chocolate with a three to four table spoons of milk, as described here.

To the melted chocolate sauce add the sugar and corn flour and stir well. Once its mixed well, just keep it aside.

The chocolate that I had used had nuts in it, thats the white substance that can be seen in the sauce.

Now bring milk to a boil and add the fresh cream to it.

Once the cream + milk mixture has been brought to a boil, add the already prepared chocolate sauce into the mixture. Bring it to a boil.

Once its brought to a boil, take it away from the fire and keep it for cooling.

Transfer the contents to bowls and refrigerate for at least 24 hours.

You can add anything as a topping, example: cut fruits, nuts, cocoa powder. I added some powdered biscuits and crumbled chocolate.

Thanks to divinetaste for this really tasty dessert. Well, everyone can definitely try this one and you must, else you may miss something..

Happy cooking :)


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I just hope I could explain the recipe elaborately. If you would like to add something, correct me or say something then go ahead :)

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